Graphic Chipset and Hardware Motion Compenstation Support ATI Rage Pro/LT Pro Intel 810, 810L, 810DC100*, 810E*, 815/815E* NeoMagic MagicMedia 256 AV/AV+, 256 ZX, 256XL Nvidia GeForce2 GTS/MX*, Nividia GeForce 256*, Nividia Crush 11 S3 Savage 3D*, Savage 4 Pro/GT/LT*, Savage 2000, S3 Savage MX/IX* SiS 300, 540*, 630* Trident Blade 9880, 952DVD VIA MVP4, ProMedia, ProMedia 133* * With subpicture alpha blending support DTS / Dolby Digital Audio Output (S/PDIF or Toslink) Aureal Vortex2 8830, Vortex1 8820, Aureal 8810 SBLive! Platinum, SBLive! Value, SBLive! Creative CT5880, ES1373, EV1938, EV1958 Cmedia 8338/8738 Crystal CS4624, CS4630 ESS Maestro-2E, Canyon3D Fortmedia 801AU Realtek ALS300+ Yamaha YMF744/754, Yamaha YMF724* *Dolby Digital only Four / Six Channel Output Support Aureal Vortex2 8830 (4), Vortex Advantage 8810 (4) Creative CT5880 (4), EV1938/58 (4) SBLive! (4), SBLive! Platinum (4), SBLive! Value (4), SBLive! 5.1 (6) SB PC164 (4), SB PCI128 (4) Crystal CS4630 (4/6) Cmedia 8338, 8378 ESS Maestro-2E (4/6), ESS Canyon3D (4/6) Fortemedia 801AS/AU (4/6) Realtek ALS300+ (4/6) Yamaha YMF744/754 (4) Philips/VLSI ThunderBird Avenger (4/6) Any other 4/6 channel sound cards supporting Microsoft "WaveFormatExtensible" API Supported System Chipsets Intel 810, 810L, 810DC100, 810E Intel 815,815E,820,820E Intel BX, ZX, LX, EX AMD 750 VIA Apollo Pro, Pro+, Pro133, Pro133A VIA ProMedia/ ProMedia 133 SiS 620, 630 Aladdin TNT 2 All Super7 Chipsets Supported Operating Systems Windows 95, Windows 95 OSR2 Window 98, Windows 98 Second Edition Windows NT4 with Service Pack 5 or above Windows 2000 Windows Me